How Can We Help?

Services Offered by The Klein Group


Many owners lack a clear understanding of their building’s value in today’s market. Our expertise allows us to quickly provide an accurate valuation of your property. This valuation report allows our clients to effectively make decisions and achieve their goals.


When the time comes to sell, you want a subject matter expert to serve as your guide and connection to buyers. You want a process that yields the most money with the least headaches. One that creates a predictable process while achieving uncommon pricing. Our expertise in the office and industrial space allows us to guide you toward an optimal outcome. Our aggressive marketing ensures that you receive the most offers. We serve as an intermediary to connect your property with the largest pool of private and institutional capital possible.


Buying real estate is proven to build wealth. In today’s complex market, it is important to buy quality real estate. Many of our clients had been looking to find a building for years and were consistently not finding anything on the public listing sites. We strive to understand a buyer’s acquisition strategy in detail before reviewing any properties. Once we understand your goals we can often source off-market opportunities for you to consider. While our primary business is serving sellers, we understand that the best way to facilitate sales is to be heavily engaged with active buyers.


Higher interest rates and tighter lending criteria are making it harder to get deals done. We work side by side with Marcus & Millichap Capital Corporation, our in-house mortgage broker, to provide best-in-class debt solutions. Our debt team connects you to the best lenders, providing predictable closings at the best possible terms.


You can only sell your building once, but cash flow can be increased repeatedly. We talk to hundreds of owners weekly, gaining knowledge and best practices. Our clients leverage this knowledge bank to avoid pitfalls and make more money from their real estate. Whether through leasing data, cost-cutting strategies, or ideas for increasing rent. While you are likely busy running a business, investing in multiple product types or multiple markets, we focus only on industrial/office buildings in New England. During a quick executive briefing, we can guide you through market data and best practices that will improve your results.